Quality, Health, Safety & Environment
Musanadah’s progress is based on the foundation of uncompromising ethical business practices and a strong corporate governance framework. We are driven by the values of transparency and reliability in formulating and enforcing the highest standards of corporate governance. In keeping with these values, we comply with best practice regulations without compromising on the interests of our investors and shareholders.

Our commitment to quality, health, safety & the environment, has led us into establishing an Integrated Management System based on ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards.
The Musnadah Top Management is committed to:
- Integrate QHSE into the business strategies and processes.
- Manage QHSE effectively by developing, implementing, and maintaining a best practice based, process oriented, and integrated management system.
- Assess and manage the QHSE risks of business throughout the provision of services and the environmental impacts from past practices.
- Measure QHSE performance and develop annual and long term QHSE objectives to achieve continuous, sustainable improvement.
- To comply with all the applicable legal and other requirements to which organization is subscribed.
- Promote QHSE awareness and enhance confidence of internal and external stakeholders in our business by informing, advising, and training.
- Hold every employee accountable for their commitment to principles.
- To review the policy periodically and ensure its suitability according to organization’s activities.